Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bokura ga Ita chapter 61

so I originally thought about doing a translation for Chapter 61, raws of which can be found on billwang. But after reading the chapter I got so annoyed, I don't feel like translating it anymore. I can pretty much sum up the whole chapter in 3 sentences anyway...BECAUSE NOTHING HAPPENED, just like NOTHING HAS BEEN HAPPENING FOR THE PAST 10 CHAPTERS.
ok here's what happened...
Takahashi went home and gets sick. When she returns to Tokyo, she goes out drinking with Sengenji and other people and she tells Sengenji that she drove by Yano's old house (back home) and nothing was the same (the plants are gone, the curtains are different) and seeing old memories changed, makes giving up (on Yano) easier. Takeuchi and Yano had been drinking together and both are quite hungover. Yano goes to the hospital to see (stupid) Yuri (I hate you Yuri) and her mom and finds Yuri angrily turning her father away. When the father tries to leave, Yano stops him saying, you're just going to leave because your daughter told you to? Yuri tells Yano to stay out of it, but Yano slaps her and says that Yuri's ego shouldn't turn her mother into the woman her father couldn't see at her deathbed. Lastly, Takeuchi visits Takahashi,and says that he doesn't want to have bad memories of their time together and that they're still friends. Also believe in Yano, and wait for him to come around, no matter how long it takes, give him the RIGHT ANSWER. to what? Takahashi asks, but it's a secret...she knows the right answer. BLAH.
There were other "deep" and "emotional" and "philosophical" moments in this chapter (AS ALWAYS, seriously Obata Yuuki, I'm getting sick of the philosophy) - Takahashi has a dream in which Yano asks her where is he supposed to come home to?

so yeah, I'm bored with Bokura ga Ita, at this point. I don't think I even care how it's going to resolve all of it's issues (I'm sure Yuri's going to "let go" of Yano, and then he's going to "come home" to Takahashi). It's really too bad, because I used to really like this manga - I felt like it was very tragic in a realistic way with also some nostalgia mixed in. But with the back and forth back and forth, with Yano, now with Takeuchi, going to give up on Yano, going to keep believing in Yano, wanting to be with Takahashi, staying with Yuri, blah blah blah I'm just annoyed now. Also I don't believe that anybody is as "good" as Takeuchi is - he's like a saint or something.


  1. heya! :)

    thanks for the summary. :) i totally agree with you for the slow pacing of the manga. i really hope Obata Yuuki would finish the story soon. there's just so much not-so-important events going on. i'm really hoping for a good ending though. :)

    thanks so much! :)

  2. where you found this chapter? could you please tell me the page?

  3. that's why I gave up the manga after 10 chapters. It's just way too depressing and slow pace is just TOO FREAKING SLOWWWWW!!!!
    thanks anyway :)

  4. true, this manga has always been quite heavy, but I felt like the first 9 or 10 volumes were moving along at a decent pace; readers were slowly finding things out about Yano's past...but since Takeuchi moved to Tokyo, a big chunk of the pages have been devoted to the characters monologueing in their heads.
    =P : this chapter can be found at Billwang in the japanese raws section. you need to be registered.

  5. thanks for telling me where to find the captilo 61!
    I'm sorry if sometimes I do not write well but not completely speak English!

  6. Hi, thanks for summarising chapter 61. Also thanks for sharing where to find the raw chapter but on billwang how do you register because you seem to need some a registration invitation code to complete the registration? help please? thanks

  7. When is the next chapter? and let me know if you write
    the summary of the next chapter? Thanks for the summary,
    and you know where I can find chapter 60 in English?

  8. lilstar90: I registered with billwang a while ago but I honestly don't remember an invitation's also all in chinese, which I don't understand at all.
    =P: I think a summary (with visuals too) of ch 60 is up at bebexiu.
    I'll keep doing bokura ga ita summaries if I can find raws. I didn't realize so many people cared about the series.

  9. oh right thanks. Its cos i wanted to register at billwang but i cant seem to cos of that invitation code and i really would like to look at the raws for bokura ga ita :( i really love that manga lol. Is there any chance of sharing the raws somehow please? Thanks

  10. Hi..i'm also a fan of Bokura ga ita..i've seen and read the manga up til chpater 61..the next chapter will be released in January 2011,and i'm looking forward..anyway all i've wanted to say is that you are all can you not see how special this manga is and what is Yuuki Obata trying to do.I've read manga and seen many anime but none of them captured my heart like Nana and Bokura ga ita has.I think is good that this manga is written this is much closer to reality that way..Honestly i was being tired of all that manga where the main characters end up together after having problems and hardships,but still they've end up together pretty easily and before reading the whole manga you can tell who will remain together with who and so on..Leave all your thoughts behind and start seeing the real value and meaning of the manga..I,personally,ever since i've seen the anime and read the manga,i really can't explain the feeling that i was getting from the story itself..It actually made me wonder seriously about my life,even though is just an comic,somehow is beyond that.You know that a great artist or singer or whatever is that one who doesn't bore you after years of listening their songs and watching their works,painting whatever..For ex: Mariah Carey..i've listen to her song since i was little,years passed and i forgot about her,started again listening to her songs for months,and i've realized even after all this time her voice is getting me and i'm not bored of her,songs,voice,face etc.She is an true artist.These days everybody can sing,act..whatever..but very few are those who actually can reach one's heart,emotions etc..All i am saying is that is disappointing to see you all giving up on this manga,being tired,not wanting to know what happens next.This is a great you thoughts and beliefs once again..or maybe you all haven't figured out the true meaning of this manga and why is Yuuki Obata so slow...i wish you all Happy Holidays and sorry for writing this much.
    ~ ~

  11. Hi Deeajp. Thanks for your comment. I agree with you that this is a very unique manga and explores themes that are beyond the scope of most manga. Obata definitely tries to write about deeper human emotions, relationships and psychological issues. My problem with this manga (and believe me, I really really liked it before), and we can agree to disagree, is that the internal monologueing and the really LONG explanations for what's going on are unnecessary. You wrote that you really like Nana - and I do too! The difference between Nana and Bokura ga Ita is that the story is always moving forward in Nana and Yazawa Ai manages to convey a LOT without explaining endlessly - she can do it in a few well chosen poignant words and high-impact images. I prefer this style of manga much more to Obata's "now with Takeuchi now with Yano now with Takeuchi now with Yano but Yano doesn't want to blah blah". This is just my opinion. I hope you like the most recent chapter summary.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. i was just checking around to watch anime.. and i got curious about this bokura ga ita... and then.. baaammm.. when i started watchin' the first season.. i can't get my eyes off it.. and i got so disappointed that it only had 26 episodes... i tried to find the remaining episodes because i felt that it wasn't really finished yet..sadly, i could only see it in manga.. but i don't care anyway... at least i got to continue with the story.. it was really a masterpiece.. i could say... it was realistically tragic, though some of the scenes are quite rare to see or experience right now... as for the writer.. i hope she will end the story with a great happy ending.. enough with the troubles and heartaches...yano and nanamin went through a lot of pain ever since the beginning.. so i think it's about time to give them a break.. and let them be together.. forever... ;P
